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Friday 9 November 2012

Aidan McClure, Laurent Simon, Shay Reading & Frank Ginger and Ringan Ledwidge

Original by James W Griffiths

Rip-off by Aidan McClure, Laurent Simon, Shay Reading & Frank Ginger and Ringan Ledwidge

"Reach for the hankies - it's the new John Lewis ad!"

The only tears being shed over this travesty are milky ones spurting from the cocks of the light-fingered fuck-sticks who purloined James' film as they wank each other spastic in a circle of self-congratulation. The cunts.

Adam & Eve. Never Knowingly Original.


  1. Thanks for doing this blog for so long. It's missed, though! Hope to see more from you sometime.

  2. Exactly how can cunts wank? 😛

  3. Exactly how can cunts wank? 😛
