What the fuck were they thinking?
Anyone's who's ever seen Flight of the Conchords will
immediately clock this as a blatant rip-off - right down to
the glasses-and-sideburns styling of the Jemaine-a-like
and the Kiwi-accented sign off.
And 'anyone who's ever seen Flight of the Conchords' is
exactly who this ad is aimed at.
We can only assume they were hoping to get caught.
Like serial killers who deliberately leave incriminating
evidence with their victim's corpse. Except instead of
a hair or a glove, these cunts have left a trail of tepid
shit leading from the crime scene straight to the Tea
Building where the trail climbs the wall and spells the
words 'we are thieving cunts' in fifteen foot high daubs
of anus-paste.
Thanks to 'the worried well' for this titbit:
"The guy with glasses and sideburns is Kiwi stand-up
Jarred Christmas, he was a recurring character on the
FOTC show on Radio 4 and a friend of the guys from
their New Zealand and Oz circuit days."
Not a friend any more, I'm guessing.